We share with you the second newsletter of 2022. http://www.maiisg.com/fotos/publicacoes/1662884123.pdf In this issue, Vicky Wilkins brings us(...)
See in this Link the Newsletter http://www.maiisg.com/fotos/publicacoes/1600081459.pdf
Please find below the first two episodes about the "Help Desertas CR land snails" elaborated by Mossy Earth. Episode(...)
Here are some of our latest projects:
The Atlantic Islands are a geographically discrete grouping, where there is a keen interest and enthusiasm for form a group of people interested in furthering invertebrate conservation. The group covers all Atlantic Islands. Most of these islands have a high level of invertebrate endemism and numerous species of conservation concern. The issues facing these islands are similar: habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, invasive species, climate change; and also limited data and lack of(...)
The MAIIS Group is building a selection of profiles, where is some of the latest species we have added:
See All Species